Sir Michael Edwardes, in his book Back from the Brink, explains that one of his central problems at British Leyland was that the company was run by the wrong people.
He distinguishes between two types of executives at any level in any business: line managers, who are concerned to achieve results; and advisory staff, who are more concerned to produce papers. British Leyland, argues Sir Michael, had staff people in line jobs. Hence vast amounts of political infighting. And more activity than action.
Of the two types, consultancy tends to be dominated by advisers. Many of course are bright. Some have long experience. A few have held management responsibility. Very few have held senior jobs outside an advisory function.
We, however, have - and our clients tell us that makes Oliver Scott Consulting different.
We don't write papers and walk away. We don't run seminars that stop at 5pm. We do stick by our clients... in whatever ways it takes... for however long it takes. We aim to help your action, not just your thinking. And we focus not on resolutions, but on results.
This website will tell you a little about us - what we do and what we've done. It will also tell you something about the thinking that underpins our approach.
The key is not theoretical but practical: what works best. As the American President Herbert Hoover wrote in an essay in 1958: 'Wisdom consists not so much in knowing what to do ultimately, as in knowing what to do next.'
If you have a problem to do with people and their performance, we'd like to hear from you. Call us, in inviolable confidence, for a no-obligation chat.
You can reach Jo Oliver on +44-20-8883-3937 or +44-7940-717-589, or Tony Scott on +44-20-8444-8800 or +44-7973-829-209.
Or email us at